“Sometimes things just fall into place in delightful and unexpected ways. My introduction to knitting was that way. I moved to a beautiful new town and decided to take a knitting class at a brand new shop that had opened the same week I moved in. Between a life long love of crafting and Fashion Merchandising & Apparel Design at the University of Maryland I don’t know how I’d never learned before, but I was instantly obsessed. My jewelry business took a backseat to endless hours of knits and purls and before I knew it all those hand-dyed colors on the walls of my LYS began calling to me. With tons of support and encouragement from the amazing Frederick knitting community I started experimenting with dyeing, the art and chemistry of it endlessly fascinating. Magpie Fibers was launched December of 2014 at The Knot House in Frederick, Maryland.
To be building my business in this amazing community, connecting with so many wonderful creative people and meeting fantastic knitters across the county and around the world is the greatest blessing. I hope you love knitting with Magpie Fibers yarns as much as we love creating them.”
Dami Hunter, Magpie Fibers
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